Think of the phone screen as your first important filter for identifying "A team" talent. Here are some questions to use when phone screening applicants taken from several sources including Who- The A Method for Hiring by Geoffrey Smart. Best practice is to delegate this task to an HR Staffing associate, administrative assistant or outsourcing resource. If the process is running effectively, you will have 30-40 phone screens, which will be overwhelming as a hiring manager.
Also consider adding a question or two from your TTI role benchmark to test personal style, motivators and attributes.
- Are you currently employed?
- Describe the duties and responsibilities of your most recent position.
- What are your career goals?
- What are you really good at professionally?
- What are you not good at…or don't like professionally?
- Who were your last five bosses and how will they each rate your performance on a 1-10 scale WHEN we ask them?
- What was your last salary? What is your target salary?