bring clarity, focus, alignment, and accelerated traction to you, your team, and your organization


What’s the perspective that’s needed to achieve success in business today? First, we find that great leaders have a vision that’s bigger than themselves. Secondly, they have the unique ability to be both humble and direct. They both encourage and empower those around them while speaking the truth and confronting reality as they see it. This allows leaders to confront the brutal facts of today yet keep an unwavering hope in the future.

Jim Collins: Good to Great


The Prioritized Leader 

Our Prioritized Leadership methodology creates a consistent framework that leaders at all levels in your organization can follow. It provides a set of tools and language that will create order, guidance, and rational decision-making to ensure your organization reaches its maximum potential. Strategy, EQ, and a good product mix may move you forward, but if your team doesn't manage priorities in the same way, you won't know your blindspots until it's too late.


The Framework

The Five Priorities Framework is a simple yet profound concept intended to bring clarity, focus, alignment, and accelerated traction to you, your team, and your organization. Engaging and leading from this framework not only creates needed clarity and alignment across your organization, but it also creates a common leadership language and framework in which leaders at all levels can engage, learn and grow.

  • PURPOSE - It’s about knowing and living the “why” of your organization, being able to articulate a clear and compelling future. The currency is vision and values.
  • PEOPLE - The level of health and productivity we have with our colleagues and connections. The currency is encouragement and accountability.
  • PACE - Discerning how fast (or slow) the organization needs to move to sustain long-term success, capitalize on opportunities, and preserve capital. The currency is time and energy.
  • PERCEPTION - Choosing a growth mindset, staying open to creative solutions, and new ideas. The currency is insight and innovation.
  • PROFIT - The effective management, investment, and release of an organization’s resources. The currency is dollars and cents.

The Participants

The Prioritized Leader is specifically targeted to these populations:

  • People in a significant leadership role needing a specific leadership methodology to help guide them through the most common leadership challenges.
  • In-tact teams are looking to create a common language, framework, and process for prioritizing their approach to leading others.
  • High performing and high potential employees who might move into leadership roles in the near term.

The Program 

The framework and content of TPL are consistent, but the delivery is customized to fit your environment. 

Each of the five modules is designed for on-demand, self-paced learning that can be delivered seamlessly through a secure portal. The material can be delivered as a suite of learning, or you can select an individual workshop. And the content can be scheduled for delivery over a quarter or through an 18-month window.

Our expert facilitators will conduct virtual or in-person discussions about what's been learned and the implications for your organization. And, we can partner with you to have your leaders co-facilitate the debrief sessions.


The Prioritized Leader Assessment

The Prioritized Leader Assessment (TPLA) can be provided as part of our Prioritized Leader Workshop or as a stand-alone assessment. 

TPLA is tailored to help you understand your priorities as a leader and how you can recalibrate them to maximize your influence and impact. We know that if your priorities are in the right order, you will do well in business and energize and empower those around you. However, if your priorities are out of order, you will most likely fall short of your goals. This report will help to affirm your strengths, identify weaknesses and blind-spots, and offer workable solutions.

Framework Results

The framework for the Prioritized Leader was inspired by the book “Freakonomics” and its assertion that the world is way more complex than just dollars and cents, as well as Mike Breen’s Five Capitals, the question was asked: “What are the essential priorities for business?” 

The results speak for themselves, as organizations who have leveraged this framework have indicated that they see:


increase in 

employee engagement/ownership


increase in 

overall revenue and profitability


increase in 

cultural health and productivity

Learn More

Let's connect and discuss the benefits of the Prioritized Leader Program.